Volunteering at St Giles' School

For the past 18 months I have been helping out at St Giles’ School with spiritual aspects of the curriculum. This has involved setting up and running a prayer space (which changes each half term in line with the school values), running a weekly lunchtime club, taking assemblies, inviting the families to church once a term and experimenting with occasional events at the Dell for the families.

I have been bowled over by how spiritually open the children are, and how much the teachers have already taught them, in line with the diocese guidance for church schools. Possibly my favourite part of this role has been taking an RE lesson once a term as a guest from the church. I am still completely amazed that you can sit and talk with a year 1 class for 50 minutes about prayer, whilst they listen attentively and ask really mature questions.

Special moments have been firstly, when I was walking along the pavement towards the school, I heard the words ‘It’s Bridget’s club’ ripple across the playground. By the time I got in the gate about 15 children were already lined up in anticipation and once I had set up there were over 20 of them pleading to be allowed to come (max 15/16). Admittedly I have gone slightly overboard with the craft activities, which is part of the draw, but they always listen and participate really attentively when we talk about spiritual things. Another special moment has been planning events with the four, year 2, faith council members, whose support I have always found really mature and invaluable.

Please pray for the staff, pupils, and all who are involved in supporting our church school as we partner with God in what he is already doing in this very special place. Bridget Murray


Mission Partner: Yala Widows & Orphans Support Project (YAWOSUP)


Mission Partner: ALDAG