Choral & Organ Scholarships 2024-2025

  • for singers & organists aged 14-25 (and pianists Grade 5+ interested in learning the organ)

  • bursaries of £220-£500 for 12-24 services & rehearsals per annum depending on the type of scholarship

  • opportunities to sing, accompany & conduct in a warm and welcoming environment with expert mentorship

Ashtead Youth Choir

About Ashtead Youth Choir

Ashtead Youth Choir rehearses on Tuesdays from 6-6.45pm at the Dell Centre, Park Lane KT21 1EJ. It is a community choir open to young singers aged 7-13, with a young leaders programme for those aged 14-17 (see below). It is open to all, whether or not they live in Ashtead, and whether or not they are regular church members.

Alongside making new friends and experiencing the joy of singing together, rehearsals are a chance for choir members develop their singing technique, music reading and aural skills in a relaxed and fun environment.  

The youth choir performs at termly concerts and combines with the adult choir to sing at special festival services, such as on Mothering Sunday. Its repertoire includes inspirational and sacred music in styles ranging from classical and folk music, to gospel and pop. 

We are always happy to welcome new singers. The age range is 7-13, with a young leaders programme for those aged 14-17. There are no auditions and there is no joining fee.

Young Singing Leaders’ programme

We have established a programme for young singers aged 14-17 year olds who would like to take on a leadership role within the choir. This includes leading their own ‘team’ of younger singers, and assisting with tasks such as setting up chairs, taking the register or distributing music. For those taking a Duke of Edinburgh award, this meets the criteria for the ‘volunteering activity’.

Those who are part of the Young Singing Leaders’ programme, and have good vocal and musical skills, will be invited to sing with the parish choir on an occasional basis (though this is not mandatory). For some of these events, such as weddings and funerals, singers are paid a fee. This is excellent preparation for anyone considering a choral scholarship at university – and it is also a very good way to develop ear-training and sightsinging skills, both of which are valuable for anyone taking GCSE or A-level music.

About the Musical Director

Esther Jones took over leadership of Ashtead Youth Choir in September 2023. She is an experienced choral director who specialises in music education, and has run children's and youth choirs in schools, churches and local communities. She works with singers of all abilities - from complete beginners to experienced singers. In her role as Associate Principal Conductor of the National Youth Choir of Great Britain she has helped aspiring young singers to develop their musical skills in order to support GCSE and A-Level music qualifications, become choral scholars at university, study at conservatoires and, sometimes, become teachers and choir directors themselves. But, ultimately, her main aim is always to provide opportunities for young people to experience the joy of singing for themselves. 


Ashtead Youth Choir was founded by Leah Perona-Wright in 2000. Prior to this – and for generations – children had sung with the adult Parish Choir, but the youth choir has a different focus. Rather than singing weekly services, it only joins with the adult choir for occasional festival services, and performs at termly concerts and at other local events. Over the years it has sung a wide range of ambitious repertoire, including musicals, a full-scale production of Britten’s Noye’s Fludde, Chilcott’s Little Jazz Mass complete with jazz band, and Rutter’s Mass for the Children with a local choral society among others.


We welcome new singers aged 7-13, plus young leaders aged 14-17. We ask that members commit to attending regular Tuesday rehearsals and other choir events, such as the termly concerts and occasional church services. We appreciate the fact that families are very busy, but, as with a sports team, absences have an impact on overall quality and therefore on every member of the choir, so we ask that people prioritise dates in the choir calendar as much as is possible.

There is no joining fee as the church community of St George’s and St Giles’, Ashtead provide generous financial support. Donations are however welcome, either online, or in the form of collections at concerts.

If you are interested in joining, you are welcome to come to a rehearsal to see whether it might be for you. Please get in touch with the choir director, Esther Jones, to find out more: email or mobile 07975 977264.


All staff and volunteers are DBS-checked and have regular safeguarding training. Please click HERE to see the church’s safeguarding policy.


There is ample parking at the Dell Centre and parents/carers are welcome to stay in a waiting room during rehearsals, and hot drinks are available.