
We support and partner with a number of organisations to serve others locally, nationally and globally.  10% of our annual freewill donations are given to our chosen world mission partners.

Monthly Mission Focus


Monthly Mission Focus *

Reaching out to our local community

SGSG has faithfully supported Besom for many years. So many of you will be familiar with our work. For those new to Besom, we serve the local community by receiving donations of good quality household items which we use to help those with limited resources to furnish their homes. We take referrals from social workers, housing officers and other support workers and organisations such as the Food Bank. Besom has helped around 275 households with furniture in the last year and distributed around 80 hampers to our clients at Christmas. It is such a privilege to be able to help people and to talk and sometimes pray with them.

As a team, we believe that we discover God’s purpose in us, as we meet the needs of others. It is so encouraging working in a team and seeing how God uses our skills and giftings to meet the needs of others. As we pray over the things which our clients need, it builds our faith as we experience God’s generous provision. Much work goes on during the week planning and scheduling collections and deliveries and we currently meet on Tuesdays to collect donated furniture and to meet with our clients and deliver household items. We would love to hear from you if you would like to join our van team and help deliver some of the larger furniture!

Thank you all at SGSG for your prayers, financial support, donations of furniture and the wonderful hampers you and your home groups prepare at Christmas.

If you would like to find out more about giving your time or household items to Besom, please contact Phil Marlow, see our website at www.besominashtead.com or email us at besominashtead@gmail.com.

Ashtead Churches Together (ACT)

Together with St Michael’s Roman Catholic Church and Ashtead Baptist Church, we worship and serve in the local community.

The Good Friday Pond Service is held just off Barnett Wood Lane, and the Remembrance Sunday Service by the war memorial is deeply moving. We celebrate our unity with an annual service.

Food is also important, with our monthly Men’s Breakfast, and the Ashtead Village Day Tea Tent.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’” Jesus

— Matthew 25:35-36