
At Home

We visit many people each week in their homes; for various reasons (illness, depression, loneliness, trauma etc.) one of the pastoral assistants would initially visit and continue for a specific time. We would hope to draw alongside and support the person during this time in their lives. If beneficial, we would offer a more regular visitor, for this reason we have a visiting team.

Hospital Visiting

Each week we visit people in hospital in Epsom, Ashtead and Leatherhead. Being in hospital can be an anxious and fearful time, regular visits to talk, listen and pray are an important way in which we can care, not only for church members but also for those in the wider community.

Visiting Team

We may ask one of our visiting team to go and visit one or two people for as long as they need, most often it’s because of loneliness, long term illness or frailty.

Care in the Community

In the parish there are 10 care homes for adults with learning difficulties and 1 home for those recovering from mental illness. Over the past year we have visited and begun to develop a relationship with residents, staff and managers. Our aim is to see how we can best support them as a church community. We regularly inform them about church events.

Prison Ministry

We have the privilege of being able to go into various prisons within Surrey but primarily we go monthly into HMP Send, to lead the musical worship and help with other occasional services. We also have team members who help lead courses, visit prisoners, and assist with the crèche and mentoring schemes. Some years ago we joined the ROTL (release on temporary license) programme, where a prisoner at the end of their sentence will come voluntarily work with us, daily during the week. This has enabled us to receive much from them as well as offering them a way of easing back into society.