A Farewell from Sharon

As I leave my employed role in the parish after 23 years, I find myself reflecting on all that has happened.

It was a strong sense of a call to ‘listen’ that led me to the role of pastoral leader, building a pastoral structure and evolving pastoral teams were always a priority. Inevitably, listening led to conversations about the Christian faith, and so over time my call grew. After much prayer and discernment, I leave with a strong desire to offer ways for us to grow and deepen our Christian faith and our love of God. So, going forward, I shall be working part-time, facilitating and leading quiet days, retreats, day and longer pilgrimages, courses, as well as offering spiritual direction. If you would like to find out more, do get in contact with me on: spiritualgrowth@sharonseal.org

As well as being Pastoral Leader, I have been involved in so many other ways in the parish. It has been a big part of my life, being immersed within it; draining at times, but more often than that, it has been life giving! Thank you, for all being part of that journey and for trusting me with what you have personally shared.

As I go, I would love to share this verse with you:

‘I pray that we may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, how wide and long, and high and deep is the love of Christ. And to know this love that surpasses knowledge, so that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.’

Ephesians 3: 18-19


Welcoming Tom


Mission Partner Focus: ALDAG